
Meeting date: 
Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Webster Free Public Library

Trustee Meeting

Feb. 21, 2024

Meeting start: 4:01

Present:  Nancy Picthall-French, Marty Bender, Cathryn Clark-Dawe, Denise Lawless


Secretary’s Report: no changes


Treasurer’s Report: Dues for NHLA-$70.00, reimburse Nancy, petty cash


Director’s Report:  no changes


Old Business:

 Book Challenge:  continue to review and address next month

March movie: The Holdovers.  It will be one week early due to Town Meeting

      3.Reads Roundtable-Working through the NHLA

      Three choices: Virtual 4/4/2024  10 am est

                             4/11/24 Conway Public Library  15 Greenwood Ave., Conway, NH 10 am est

                             4/18/24 Nesmith Library 8nFellows Rd., Windham, NH  10am es

When the library builds partnerships, it strengthens the ties to the community, shares resources, and builds positive relationships.  Gather with your peers to discuss ups and downs of working with people and organizations within our communities and with each other.  Share your knowledge so we library workers can collaborate more effectively and support each other.  When we work together, we multiply services the community can use.

We decided to sign up on our own if we choose to attend.


New Business:


Cathryn:  nothing


Marty:  Popcorn machine vs bagged popcorn for movie night.  Marty will research.


Denise:  sent thank you note to the Nylens for snack contributions to movie night.  Will need stamps.  Marty will purchase.   Need more popcorn for movie night.


Nancy:  Web site to sign up for Reads Roundtable.


Next meeting:  March 27 4:00pm

Meeting adjourned 4:20 pm