
Meeting date: 
Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Webster Free Public Library

Trustees Meeting

Livestreamed and Recorded 

Wednesday, October 27, 2021


The meeting began at 4:03 p.m.  Present were Cathryn Clark-Dawe, Director, Nancy Picthall-French, Chairperson, Marty Bender, Treasurer and Leslie Collins, Secretary.  The meeting took place in the Meeting Hall next to the library.  The meeting was livestreamed and is available to watch from the Town’s website.

The Secretary’s report for 9/22/2021 was reviewed and accepted. 

The Treasurer’s report was reviewed and accepted.  Marty has put the purchase of the new library signs under Capital Expenses.  Nancy inquired about the Mainstay money in the 2021 budget. Marty spoke to Wendy today and she recommended speaking to Kyle.  Nancy requested resolving this as quickly as possible.

The Director’s Report was reviewed and accepted. Cathryn would like to scan a Webster Kindergarten cookbook, and because of the copyright laws, she is spending time on due diligence to obtain permission. She has sent letters to two former officers of The Webster Kindergarten, Inc. requesting permission to digitize their cookbook.

Old Business  

            Marty spoke to Mr. Case regarding the placement of the Library signs on his property.  Nancy and Marty relocated the location of the signs closer to the parking lot.  Marty will contact Dig Safe followed by contacting Emmett.

            Donna Frost was given the password for the Library’s Zoom account for The Garden Club.  Nancy felt that electing officers was not necessary, but instead, she thought an ad hoc committee could be formed.  The Library is willing to support the Garden Club, pay for speakers, etc., but the Garden Club would do the scheduling and implementing. 

The second movie of the season was The Shining.  There were five participants.  Marty showed previews of the upcoming movie.  November’s movie will be The Good Traitor on November 19.  Cathryn gave Marty a list of recommendations of December movies from Swank.  Marty will pick December and January’s movies so he can show previews.

            The Sandwich Board has been ordered and is due to be delivered today.  It comes with one set of letters and Nancy has ordered two additional sets.  Leslie will try to repair the old board, store it on the stage until it can be repurposed for some other use. 

After an oral history was unsuccessfully saved on the recorder, all agreed that an audio recorder training would be beneficial.  For easier access, Marty recommended that the Oral Histories have its own folder on the desktop of the public computer housing the Oral Histories.

All the Trustees agreed that the movie projector will be lent on a case-by-case basis and will not be advertised.  A policy will be developed which will include signing a contract for replacement and repairs.  The projector will not be allowed to be borrowed three days prior to a movie night.  It may be taken out of the building.  This will be revisited in November.

Cathryn is comfortable with the precautions in place for the current number of cases of Covid in Webster.

It was decided that if Cathryn is sick, she is to call Nancy.  The library will be closed for a short-term illness.  Jim or Leslie will post a note on the library door.  Nancy or Cathryn will post on Facebook.  In the case of a long-term illness, coverage will be determined on an individual basis, depending upon availability.

Budget ideas for 2022 were readdressed.  When Nancy inquired, Cathryn preferred two additional flexible hours.  The proposed budget for 2022 was compared to the current budget of 2021.  Line items were discussed, and no major increases are expected.  Processing time and lack of space puts some constraints on purchasing.  Our budget is due for the Select Board on December 6 at 6 p.m.

New Business

Cathryn requested November 29 off.  There was a unanimous agreement.  Phil and Marylou Desmarais made a $400 donation and Leslie will send a thank you. 

Marty received an email from Terry Knowles’ replacement requesting a review, Marty submitted it and has received a thank you.

Leslie stated it is time to think of holiday gifts for the four volunteers in addition to Michael and Jim.  She had contacted Peg Foss on Monday and there is no need for additional Celebration Bags for the Food Pantry.

Nancy requested that a thank you be sent to both Dana and Emmett for the beautifully paved parking lot.


Nancy made the motion to go into a Nonpublic Session at 5:06 p.m.  Marty seconded it and all were in favor.  The notes for the Nonpublic Session will be given to Nancy at the next meeting.  

Nancy made a motion to return to the public meeting at 5:36 p.m., Marty seconded it and all were in favor.


The meeting ended at 5:36 p.m.  The next meeting will be held in the Meeting Hall next to the Library on Wednesday, November 17, 2021, at 4:00 p.m.


Respectfully submitted, 

Leslie Collins, Secretary


Summary of duties during November 2021:

*Marty will contact Dig Safe and secure a date from them to assess the two locations for the library signs.  

*Marty will pick out a movie for December and January so previews can be shown at the November (The Good Traitor) movie.

*Marty will order a new cable for the speakers for the movies.

*Marty will meet with Kyle to discuss the Mainstay money in the 2021 budget.

*Cathryn will explore the cost of a NE Aquarium pass.

*Cathryn and Nancy will invite the public to the next Trustees Meeting on the town website and the Library’s Facebook page.

*Leslie will monitor the need for Celebration Bags at the Food pantry.  Last contact was Monday, October 25.

*Leslie will send Marylou and Phil Desmarais a thank you for their donation.

*Leslie will send Dana and Emmett a thank you for the newly paved driveway.

*Leslie will do the sign for The Good Traitor and put it out in front of the library on November 10.

*Leslie will provide individual snacks and mini bottles of water for movie night on November 19.

*Leslie will purchase two Mastercard gift cards for holiday gifts.

*Nancy will purchase four gift cards from Mainstreet Bookends in Warner for holiday gifts for the library volunteers. 

*Nancy will contact the Linda Clark and ask her to house the hose and nozzle for the winter.

*Nancy will welcome new residents to Webster and the Library with the welcome letter.