
Meeting date: 
Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Webster Free Public Library

Trustees Meeting

Video Recorded

Wednesday, January 26, 2022


The meeting began at 4:08 p.m.  Present were Cathryn Clark-Dawe, Director, Nancy Picthall-French, Chairperson, Marty Bender, Treasurer and Leslie Collins, Secretary.  The meeting took place in the Meeting Hall next to the library.  The meeting was video recorded and is available to watch on YouTube.

The Secretary’s report for 11/17/2021 was reviewed and accepted.  The Secretary’s report for 12/22/21 was also reviewed and accepted.

The Treasurer’s report as of 1/26/2022 was reviewed and accepted.  

The Director’s Reports for 12/22/2021 and 1/26/2022 were reviewed and accepted.  In December Cathryn applied for #PlantWildflowersNationwide Library Initiative Award sponsored by HHMI Tangled Bank Studios and PBS Nature.  She was informed today that she was not selected.  In January she researched book trucks for the area behind the circulation desk.  After the book trucks were compared and discussed, Nancy recommended that Cathryn purchase the one that best suits her needs.  All agreed with Nancy’s recommendation.  Cathryn expressed concern for a particular patron who is no longer coming to the Library.  Leslie offered the Delivery Service.  Cathryn said she would email and ask the patron if they are interested in this service.


Old Business 

          Marty presented the proposed Budget to the Select Board on December 6.  They accepted our proposed budget.

            The installment of the Library signs will be put on hold until April.

            Nancy inquired if there was any news from the Gardening Club and no one has heard anything.  Denise Lawless gave Marty a questionnaire to consider.  Marty will call Donna Frost and Denise Lawless to arrange a meeting to discuss the Garden Club.  Leslie offered to contact Jim Ramanek for a Seed Starting segment.  Nancy thought a list of recommended books would be of interest.

The movie for November was Cry Macho.  Ten people attended.  The movie for February is In the Heat of the Night.  The movie for March is What’s Up Doc?  Two movies were recommended on an informal survey on Facebook and Instagram, Matilda and Free Willy.

            Nancy asked for ideas on presentations.  Nancy feels that the presentations should not be the sole responsibility of the Trustees.  Her ideas included:  Lisa Kimball for basket making, telescope training outside, seed starting, Bob Quinn for a bird identification walk.  Leslie’s ideas included:  Target local businesses and have them run a Zoom meeting informing the public of their services/products, Robert’s Greenhouse, The Historical Society, Dot Bourque (computer classes), Betsy Janeway, Chris Schadler, Zoom cooking swaps (e.g., January: hearty soups), or yoga (chair yoga, targeted or mat).  Cathryn expressed a desire to have Squam Lakes Natural Science Center present their live animal show as the culminating activity for the Summer Reading Program.  The last time she inquired, SLNSC was doing their presentations outside due to COVID.  Cathryn feels the Library’s grounds and the unpredictability of the weather are not conducive to outdoor presentations.  Alternatives were discussed (Leslie has access to two 10x10 pop-up canopies, changing the location to the soccer field, would SLNSC consider allowing a presentation in the Town Hall if all the windows and doors were open?).  Nancy stated that until COVID numbers decline, participation will be limited for any presentation.

            Nancy requested definitions for each budget line so the individual items within each line can be identified.  Marty agreed to bring a printout for February’s meeting.

            Cathryn submitted a detailed summary of the Library’s passes, the cost and usage.  She also included a summary of the passes/usage from eight other libraries in the library co-op.  Cathryn recommended not renewing the NH State Pass due to the patron feedback she has received.  Leslie suggested replacing the NH State pass with The Fells pass.   Passes will be revisited after COVID numbers decline.

            Cathryn has heard back regarding the air conditioner.  The current company submitted an estimate for a unit that both cools and heats.  Because Cathryn neither asked for a heating[LC1]  unit, nor is one needed, she needs to readdress this once again.  It was agreed that she could pursue either Heritage or Dick Schock as alternatives if warranted.  The target date of completion is the upcoming summer. 


New Business

          Cathryn presented the draft of the 2021 Town Report and said she had added commas to the four-digit numbers.  Leslie inquired if the Chromebooks should be mentioned in the Town Report and Cathryn said she would check on the date they were purchased.

            Leslie reported that she provided the Food Pantry with four Celebration Bags on January 5.  Peg Foss had inquired if the Library would be interested in sponsoring the toiletry shelf.  Marty replied that the Library is not allowed to contribute money but we could ask patrons for product donations.  Leslie spoke about the lack of donations for the Celebration Bags.  Nancy suggested that Peg ask for donations on Facebook and the donations could be collected at the Library.  Cathryn agreed.  Marty recommended dropping off donations at the Police Station, since they were open longer hours than the Library.  Leslie will inform Peg of our decision.

Nancy requested that we think about whether or not we are accomplishing the Ten-Year Goals of the Library which are printed on the back of the agenda each month.

            Nancy asked each of the Trustees to sign the annual form from Plodzik & Sanderson.


The meeting ended at 5:18 p.m.  The next meeting will be held in the Meeting Hall next to the Library on Wednesday, February 23, 2022, at 4:00 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Leslie Collins, Secretary




Summary of duties during February 2022:

*Marty will contact Denise Lawless and Donna Frost and ask them to come in and meet with the Trustees about hosting/running the Garden Club.

*Marty will provide a line-item budget for February so the individual items for each line can be identified.

*Marty will prepare a reimbursement check to Nancy ($80.00) for Christmas gift cards.

*Marty will investigate restitution for the federal taxes paid to TDS.

*Cathryn will continue to investigate replacing the air conditioner.  She will decide if she should consider exploring Heritage or Dick Schock.

*Cathryn will submit the revised Town Report.

*Cathryn will email the patron who is no longer coming to the Library and offer the Delivery Service.  She will inform Leslie of the outcome.

*Cathryn and Nancy will invite the public to the next Trustees Meeting on the town website and the Library’s Facebook page.

*Leslie will monitor the need for Celebration Bags at the Food pantry.  Last contact was January 3.  Four bags were delivered to the Food Pantry on January 5.

*Leslie will contact Peg Foss and inform her of the Trustees decision regarding the toiletry shelf.  (Contacted 1-30-2022, Peg thanked us and stated the Food Pantry already has a drop-off box in the lobby of the police station.)

*Leslie will do the sign for In the Heat of the Night and put it out in front of the library on February 8.  Leslie will supply individual snacks and mini bottles of water for Movie Night on February 18.

*Leslie will finish repairing/repurposing the old message board.

*Nancy will invite the public to the Movie Night on the town website, Pillsbury Lake website, the Facebook page and in the Concord Monitor.

*Nancy will send Marty an email regarding reimbursement for the Christmas gift cards.

*Nancy will welcome new residents to Webster and the Library with the welcome letter.

***Everyone will consider if the Library’s goals in the Ten Year Plan are being accomplished.