
Meeting date: 
Thursday, September 24, 2020

Webster Free Public Library

Trustees Meeting by Teleconference

Thursday, September 24, 2020


           The teleconference began at 3:00 p.m.  Present were Cathryn Clark-Dawe, Director, Nancy Picthall-French, Chairperson, Marty Bender, Treasurer, and Leslie Collins, Secretary.  The teleconference took place on FreeConferenceCall.com.

The Secretary’s report for 8/27/2020 was reviewed and accepted after the following changes were made:  In the first paragraph under New Business a was changed to an before the word unanimous, and the same error was found in the third paragraph under new Business.

The Treasurer’s report for 8/1/2020 through 8/26/2020 was reviewed and accepted.  The Amazon account for $256.59 was divided into two budget lines; $131.11 went under Supplies and the remaining $125.48 went under Other Materials.  A cumulative bill for the COVID supplies will be submitted to the town office.  Supplies that are not reimbursed will be taken from the Supplies item line in the budget.  A clarification was made that the balance on the Hoopla bill is not what is owed but is the amount credited to the Library’s account.  The Strawberry Banke pass was paid.  A decision about whether to donate to conferencecall.com was postponed until next month after examining a summary of the current budget.  Update:  Cathryn sent an email on 9/27/2020 clarifying that the entire Amazon account balance for $256.59 should go under Supplies.  The items Marty inquired about are on next month’s bill.


Old Business

            Cathryn stated the library opening was going fine.  Reimbursement for COVID supplies is coming from FEMA.  The cutoff date for when the FEMA funds are terminating is unknown. 


New Business

          Nancy has been in contact with WES and they do not want book donations at this time.  Nancy will be donating the books to Goodwill.

Nancy requested that Marty send each of us a summary of the budget for October’s meeting.  Nancy requested that each of us study the updated budget and make recommendations where the budget could be adjusted.  The Library’s budget is due in November.  Nancy asked Cathryn to project for PPE expenses.

Nancy informed us that the flag in front of the library is replaced twice a year by the town.  She was wondering if we wanted to donate a flag once a year.  This will be open for discussion in October.   


Respectfully submitted,

Leslie Collins, Secretary

Summary of duties during September 2020:

*Marty will send each of us a summary of the budget for October’s meeting.

*Marty will set up the next teleconference on October 28 @ 3 p.m.  (1-425-436-6362, 455735#)

*Cathryn and Nancy will invite the public to the Trustee Meeting Teleconference Calls on October 28, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. on the town website and the Library’s Facebook page.  They will keep the public informed of ongoing communication in the Grapevine, Concord Monitor, Merrimack Valley Voice, with signage and the message board.

*Cathryn will facilitate the porch pickup service and the operation of the library.

*Leslie will monitor the need for Celebration Bags at the Food pantry.

*Nancy will be on call for cleaning services.

***We will all review the budget summary from Marty for October’s meeting with recommendations for adjustments.


All decisions made take into consideration the health and safety of the staff/patrons and are subject to change.  The Trustees and Director are meeting monthly and are making informed, cautious decisions.