
Meeting date: 
Thursday, July 2, 2020

Webster Free Public Library

Trustees Meeting by Teleconference

Thursday, July 2, 2020


           The teleconference began at 3:00 p.m.  Present were Cathryn Clark-Dawe, Director, Nancy Picthall-French, Chairperson, Marty Bender, Treasurer, and Leslie Collins, Secretary.  The teleconference took place on FreeConferenceCall.com.

The Secretary’s report for 6-3-2020 was reviewed and accepted.

The Treasurer’s report through July 1, 2020 (the last two weeks) was reviewed and accepted. 


Old Business

          There are no new thoughts or questions about reopening.

            There has not been any communication from the Town Hall regarding policies/resources for opening to the public. 

          Cathryn stated that curbside delivery was going well.  The porch roof is keeping materials dry.  Materials are placed in new, heavy plastic bags that allow for privacy.

           Cathryn ordered the plastic shield and it will arrive next week.

Cathryn has begun the Summer Reading Program online.   Heidi Ohlson, Terry Ohlson-Martin and Rachel Ohlson have volunteered to provide virtual story hours and have offered to find more volunteers for the duration of the Summer Reading  Program Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m.  Heidi is delivering Summer Reading Program materials to other families in town.  Kenny Ohlson is also volunteering and donating his time to the library.  Many, many thanks to such a helpful family!

Cathryn has obtained 16 containers of wipes.  She will order small bottles for the hand sanitizer.  Nancy has volunteered to fill them.

            Cathryn has ordered supplies from Staples (copy paper, colored paper, toner, etc.)  She will send the bill to Marty.

            Marty delivered compost to the garden.  Leslie spread the compost and will monitor watering.


New Business

          Marty inquired if it was time for Michael to return to work.  All agreed that he could resume his normal duties and any additional duties Cathryn may require.

            Nancy is closely monitoring the Humanities presentation scheduled for October.

            Nancy suggested storing the discarded books on the stage since used books are not being accepted as donations.

            The teleconference ended at 3:27 p.m.  The next teleconference will be July 16 at 3:00 p.m.   


Respectfully submitted,

Leslie Collins, Secretary




Summary of duties during July 2020:

*Marty will set up the next teleconference.  (1-425-436-6362, 455735#)

*Marty will contact Michael.

*Cathryn and Nancy will invite the public to the Trustee Meeting Teleconference Calls on July 16, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. on the town website and our Facebook page.  They will keep the public informed of ongoing decisions/changes as the library transitions to reopening.

*Cathryn will continue ordering and implementing the changes necessary for reopening.

*Cathryn will facilitate the Summer Reading program and curbside delivery.

*Cathryn will order the plastic sanitizer bottles. 

*Leslie is sending everyone the June NHLTA Roundtable notes today.

*Leslie will monitor watering the garden.

*Nancy will fill the smaller bottles with hand sanitizer.


All decisions made take into consideration the health and safety of the staff/patrons and are subject to change.  The Trustees and Director are meeting every two weeks and are making informed, cautious decisions.