
Meeting date: 
Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Webster Free Public Library

Trustees Meeting

September 27th, 2017


The meeting was called to order at 4:05 p.m.  Present were Nancy Picthall-French, Chairperson, Marty Bender, Treasurer and Leslie Collins, Secretary.

The Secretary’s report for August was reviewed and accepted.

The Treasurer’s report for September was reviewed and accepted.


Old Business

          Because of Cathryn’s absence, the discussion regarding the development of a library Facebook page will be postponed until next month.  Cathryn has requested to develop the page as her second goal for her yearly evaluation. 

Marty is looking into preserving Currie Sawyer’s diaries.  He started by reviewing all of his contact information regarding the workshop given at Keene State College, but was unable to find any helpful information.  His next step will be to contact someone from the state archives.  He said he may have to resort to YouTube videos to learn how to preserve the diaries.  Marty found out how to convert a recording on a cassette tape to a CD disc using a USB Cassette to MP3 converter capture, portable audio tape-to-MP3 player switcher converter, $20.49.  All were in favor of purchasing the converter for the diary archival project.  Marty will purchase using money from the “miscellaneous” line item.

The second goal of our Master Plan was established:

          #2.  To enhance programming to reflect the needs and interests of the community. 

Three objectives were establish on how we were going to meet our goal. 

  1. Host a variety of events for all ages that expand on the interests of the community.
  2. Investigate options for a meeting room.
  3. Develop opportunities for ongoing library events such as coffee hours and volunteer work.


        The October movie is going to be 101 Dalmatians on Saturday, the 21st at 2 p.m.  The chairs will already be set up from Chris Schadler’s 7 p.m. presentation on Friday night.  Nancy and Marty will set up chairs on Friday morning at 9 a.m.  Leslie will do the ice water and snacks for both events.  She will drop them off earlier in the day.  Nancy and Chris Schadler both got an article to Dee Blake for the Grapevine about the coyote presentation.



New Business

          Marty suggested African Queen as the movie selection for Friday, 11-17-17 at 7 p.m. and Joyeux Noel for Friday, 12-15-17 at 7 p.m.  Both movie selections are pending and dependent upon whether or not they are on the state approved library list, Movie Licensing USA, https://www.swank.com/public-libraries.

          Karen will be volunteering for Leslie on 11-15-17.  Leslie has placed a reminder on the small calendar on the circulation desk.  Leslie has prepared the message board for Chris Schadler’s presentation on coyotes and for the 101 Dalmatians movie on the opposite side.  Nancy will place the message board out front of the library on her volunteer night of 10-4-17.

          Nancy inquired whether we should develop a brochure listing all of the library’s events for the upcoming year, asked us to think about it and will readdress it again next month.

          Nancy is going to find out who the new Town Crier is in Webster.


The meeting ended at 5:17 p.m.  The next meeting of the Webster Free Public Library will be on Wednesday, October 18th, 2017 at 4 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Leslie Collins, Secretary