Budget Meeting

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Webster Free Public Library

Trustees Meeting

October 15, 2019


The meeting was called to order at 9:12 a.m.  Present were Nancy Picthall-French, Chairperson, Marty Bender, Treasurer, and Leslie Collins, Secretary.


The purpose of today’s meeting was to develop a tentative budget for 2020.  The budget will be finalized at our next meeting on October 23 at 4 p.m.


The Trustees discussed giving Cathryn a COLA of 1.6% and a 1.4% raise, equaling a total of 3%.  Marty will determine exactly how much the Employer Share will increase (FICA).  A final decision will be made at our next meeting.


Marty will contact Bruce Johnson.


A raise for Michael Sauve was discussed.  Marty will gather more information.  The money in “Household” includes one carpet cleaning which could be done after mud season.


Nancy will request that Cathryn provide the following information for our October Trustees Meeting:  the amount of money spent on CD’s per month and how many CD’s are checked out per month.  Marty requested to know which was checked out more often:  the hardcopy of a book or the audio book of the same title.  At our next meeting, after Cathryn’s input is considered, a decision will be made whether to put the money spent on CD’s into the trial Hoopla Account or to continue investing in CD’s for the library.


The Trustees all agreed to keep Overdrive.  Overdrive has increased from $695 (2019) to $734 (2020), or by $39.  69 people used Overdrive for 2700 transactions which comes to $.38 per transaction.  Hoopla will be tried on a trial basis as a supplement to Overdrive.


Nancy will investigate purchasing a tablet at Best Buy for patrons.


Four Programs were selected for the upcoming year:

            Seed Starting, Jim Ramanek, Warner River Organics (Jan.-Feb.) $??

            NH Owls, Squam Lake (March) $250

Live Animals, Audubon (June)  $200

Women’s Suffrage, NH Humanities (Oct.)  $300ish


Leslie will contact Jim Ramanek about presenting, cost and dates.


The meeting ended at 11:00 a.m.  The next Trustee Meeting of the Webster Free Public Library will be on Wednesday, October 23, 2018 at 4 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Leslie Collins, Secretary