2010 Annual Report

Annual Report of the Trustees for 2010

This year saw new offerings both high and low tech, as we added ebook lending through the New Hampshire Downloadable Audiobooks program, and began  Preschool Storytimes.  The librarian had a lot of fun with the storytimes, and hopes the children were equally pleased.

Our Book Group continued for its fourteenth year, as we read our way from A(tlas Shrugged) by Ayn Rand to W(hatever Makes You Happy) by William Sutcliffe. The Summer Reading Program for Preschoolers through Elementary School children encouraged them to “Make a Splash…Read.”  This was New Hampshire’s first year with the Collaborative Summer Library Program.  In 2011 we’ll join the other 48 states (only Texas marches to its own beat) in encouraging children to explore “One World, Many Stories.”

We thank everyone who contributed to the library this year: Our Wednesday evening volunteers, the parents and others who helped out during our Summer Reading Program, Judith O’Donnell for her extremely generous monetary donation, and everyone who brought in their used materials, dropped some money into our donation can, or donated in some other way.

Use of the library was up this year, with 6418 books, magazines, audios and videos checked out, and 572 audiobooks and 38 ebooks downloaded from the New Hampshire Downloadable Audiobooks & eBooks program.  We loaned out 525 books, video, and audios to other New Hampshire libraries, and borrowed 269 materials from New Hampshire and out-of-state libraries.  We weeded or otherwise removed 618 holdings from our collection, and added 586, leaving us with 11,595.  Twenty patrons were removed from our records, and 64 added, leaving us with 580 active library users, and there were 2612 visits to the library.

Respectfully submitted,

Sandy Starkey, Chair
Sue Barnes, Secretary
Marty Bender, Treasurer