
Meeting date: 
Friday, April 2, 2021

Webster Free Public Library

Trustees Meeting by Zoom

Friday, April 2, 2021

 Public Portion of Meeting Notes


           The Zoom meeting began at 2:03 p.m.  Present were Nancy Picthall-French, Chairperson, Marty Bender, Treasurer, and Leslie Collins, Secretary.  The Zoom meeting took place on the library’s Zoom link.


Old Business

The purpose of today’s meeting is to review and discuss the Director’s Evaluation.

At 2:04 p.m., Nancy made a motion to go into nonpublic session.  Marty seconded the motion and all were in favor.  At 2:42 p.m., Nancy made a motion to seal the nonpublic meeting notes.  Marty seconded it and all were in favor of sealing the nonpublic meeting notes.  The meeting notes for the nonpublic section are recorded separately and sent to each Trustee.  At 2:43 p.m., Nancy made the motion that the nonpublic meeting return to a public meeting.  Marty seconded it and all were in favor.  The following minutes are on the public portion of the meeting.


New Business

Nancy asked if anyone had any new business and Marty and Leslie said they did not.  Nancy asked when we might consider reopening the library to the pre-pandemic schedule.  The three Trustees will each be fully vaccinated, including the two-week period following the vaccine for full effectiveness, by June 1.  The volunteers would also need to be fully vaccinated.  The Trustees postponed further discussion until the meeting on April 22 at 3 p.m. to get Cathryn’s input before deciding.  The volunteers will need to be contacted and asked about their individual timelines on their vaccinations and if they are available for volunteering.

Nancy proposed the idea of an outdoor plant swap.  All precautions would be in place:  outside, six feet apart, masks, etc.  The Cooperative Extension Service might have a Master Gardener available to come and answer questions.  Marty will ask a Master Gardener he knows if she would be interested in participating.  The discussion is postponed until the meeting in April so Cathryn’s insights and input can be considered before deciding.


The meeting ended at 2:52.  The next meeting will be April 22 at 3 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Leslie Collins, Secretary


Summary of additional duties for April 2021:   

*Marty will ask his Master Gardener friend and determine if there is interest in answering questions at a proposed plant swap.

*Nancy will put the reopening of the library to pre-pandemic hours on the agenda for the April 22 meeting at 3 p.m.

*Nancy will put the proposed idea of a plant swap on the agenda for the April 22 meeting at 3 p.m.